I just wanna put the chart here for my record which might be useful for me in the future as a reference. Its pattern was rocky mountain. Now i realize there is something wrong with my hormones/my body. Even the chart can predict the ovulation day but the erratic temperatures just showed me that I am neither really healthy nor normal. A normal and healthy women should has temperatures lower than the horizontal red line before ovulation day (0 DPO). Kalau naik lebih pun sikit-sikit je la. Later, a drastic increasing in temperature shows that ovulation is occured. Boleh dipastikan dengan ujian OPK. Then if you are pregnant, in this case if I am pregnant the temperature after ovulation days should continue increasing and will always above the red horizontal line sepanjang DPO. To get confirmation HPT should be done and the blue line color will change to green color starting the days we got +ve HPT result.
Jom doa sama-sama kawan2. Tadahkan tangan kita dan minta:
Ya Allah, please protect my husband and I from any illness, diseases or syndromes. Please give my husband and I the best health so that my ovaries can produce beautiful and healthy eggs, so that healthy and strong sperms given by YOU from my husband could fertilize the eggs, so that the DNA match perfectly, so that the cells could multiplies, so that the fertilized eggs could move and lay on my strong and steady uterus, so that the fertilized eggs could form embrios, form fetus and form perfect, beautiful, smart, healthy and strong babies. So that I could deliver them safely and easily. All I need is only YOU Ya Allah.
Jadikanlah zuriatku manusia yang cukup dan sihat sifat fizikal, mental dan rohaninya. Jadikanlah dia manusia yang bijak, yang mudah dididik, yang mendengar kata, yang menyejukkan hati dan pandangan, yang sentiasa mendoakan ibu bapa nya ke syurgaMu Ya Allah, yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepadaMu Ya Allah, yang menjalankan segala suruhanMu dan meninggalkan laranganMu, yang akan menjaga ibu bapanya hingga ke syurga, yang berjasa kepada agama, bangsa dan negara, dan yang berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. Makbulkan doaku Ya Allah. Amin Ya Rabbal Aalamin.
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Cycle Disember 2012 setakat 27hb |
Backdated post: (25/12/2012)
Last night I had a dream. I was pregnant. It was a very short dream. I couldn't feel the excitement because I was nervouse waiting for the hpt result in a clinic. Once I was told the result is positive I was crying and feel so greatful. I woke up. The dream just make feel even nervouse. 2ww just so uncomfortable/stressful.
Today is DPO8 which I believe hpT test is already can be done. I asked my husband but he did not want me to do the test this soon. He wants me to do the test if my next period is delayed. Well I understand he doesn't want me to get hurt if the result is negative.
On the afternoon my husband asked me to go to shopping at GM Klang with him. He wanted to buy scarves for me as he promised earlier. I told him that his hair looks messy, immediately he went to our bedroom and fixing his hairdo. Meanwhile I immediately took the hpt test into bathroom and did the hpt test without his notice. Initially I did not want to tell him the result but finally after looking at his face, I think he should know. Alhamdulillah dia tak marah walau pun saya tak dengar cakap dia. Dia pujuk saya to do the test again later at least near to expected date of next cycle. Yeah, it was negative. But I still believe this time I do concieve. It just a matter of time for the double lines to appear. Positif sungguh.
Today is CD10. I did the hpt test again. The result was negative. Did I upset? Did I cry? No I am not. I smiled. I know its too early too test. Some women do have +ve hpt result at early DPO (less dan 12 DPO), some women just doesn't and I believe I am in the second category. I will do the test next two days. Now, I keep praying that Allah makbulkan doa dan always pelihara ciptaanNya di dalam rahim saya. Yeah, definitely saya tak tahu ia ada atau tidak because only Allah know's better but I always have faith on Him that he will give me the greatest present, sooner or later. I just need to keep praying, working on it, tawakal and always have positive thought on it.
Now, I do keep money (sikit-sikit) which previously saya bukan jenis yang menyimpan duit. Mengabiskan duit ada lah hehe. Dan duit tu saya simpan untuk masa depan. Mungkin suatu hari nanti saya perlukannya untuk rawatan. Mungkin untuk future babies. Mungkin untuk pergi umrah. Yang penting semua tu untuk keperluan bukan kemahuan.
This morning after solat subuh I called my mom. Rindu nak borak dan dengar suara dia. Dalam perbualan tu mama ada mentioned isteri my cousin lelaki yang baru kahwin last October (if I'm not mistaken) dah pregnant. Baru masuk dua bulan. Saya rasa down sikit. Oh bukan sikit tapi banyak cuma malas nak layan rasa down tu. Cepat2 doa dan saya minta mama juga doakan saya supaya cepat dapat anak. Seriously it's not easy when we are surrounding with all normal and easily get pregnant women yang suka bercakap tentang hal orang. Depan-depan senyum tapi belakang Allah sahaja yang tahu. They never know what we are and what we have to face. Kita juga tak akan tahu kalau kita tak diuji. Apa yang kita boleh cakap kat dia, CONGRATULATION, YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL!! (don't forget to keep smile)
My Workout
Tentang workout saya masih ada kontrak dengan fitness first cuma sekarang dah jarang pergi. Huhu yuran potong jugak bulan-bulan. Hubby marah saya tak pergi. Tapi saya rasa letih sebab balik kerja terus balik rumah lepas tu pergi ambil suami balik kerja (masa tu da masuk magrib) lepas tu baru pergi fitness lepas tu baru balik rumah. Selalunya pukul 10 atau 10.30 malam baru sampai rumah semula. Dah letih saya terus nak tido je. Bila masanya nak ada masa dengan hubby. Bosan dan letih hidup macam tu. This time kalau concieve I nak freeze the contract so that every month bayar RM45 je. Kalau tak concieve mungkin saya akan berhenti fokus kepada TTC but more to workout activities. However, supplements intake will continue as usual.
Apology & thankful
Last but not least, a great appreciation to all my TTC friends who read my posts either 'transparently' or 'silently'. 2013 is just around the corner. I would like to ask for apology to everyone for any kind of my mistake sama ada melalui post-posy saya, komen-komen saya atau respon-respon saya. Sokongan anda amat bermakna buat saya. I am thankful to Allah dengan ujian ini kerana saya boleh menyelami masalah ini dengan ribuan yang lain, boleh berkenalan dan berkongsi cerita, pengetahuan, suka duka dengan kalian, boleh memahami sistem badan seorang wanita dengan lebih baik dan selebihnya saya makin jelas dengan kebesaran Allah s.w.t sebagai pencipta kita. Siapalah kita tanpa petunjuk dan hidayah dariNya.
Selamat menyambut tahun baru 2013 & happy holiday kepada yang pergi bercuti dan ambil cuti ^_^ hehe
Ok, setakat itu sahaja.
Ate' logo
its okay, ni pun baru first chart u kan. kalau tibe2 period, takpe start new cycle then u can compare ur chart. jgn lupe mkn supplement smua k ;) jgn lupe bersenam jugak ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks Jay. I love u!!