Friday, 4 October 2013

I am officially 26 years old yesterday and I think I am fertile now but DH is just too far

My entry title already summarized what I want to share here, huh?

Yes, yesterday was my birthday (3rd Oct). So starting yesterday I am officially 26 years old. Semakin meningkat umur. Alhamdulillah Allah s.w.t masih bagi peluang wujud kat dunia ni. Alhamdulillah syukur dengan segala nikmat yang Allah beri. Mudah-mudahan dugaan yang ada sekarang diganti dengan nikmat yang lebih dasyat pada masa akan datang. Amin yarabbal alamin.

This morning (4rd Oct: CD16), I checked my BTT and the tempt was increases sharply from yesterday reading. It was 36.59 degree C (the highest reading for this cycle). Yesterday was the lowest (36.02 degree C). Tengok pattern BBT macam I tengah subur sekarang ni. Pagi tadi tak ada eggwhite lagi but lepas lunch time dah ada eggwhite. Semakin ke petang semakin banyak. Kalau ada OPK strip lagi bagus boleh double confirm. But, DH is far from me. He is in Malaysia and I am here in the middle of Thailand. Tak dapat nak berusaha gigih. I cuma boleh doa je la supaya next month AF will come and I got eggs to be fertilized.

Btw, I nak share entry dari Dr. Hamid..Those yang nak baca boleh klik link kat bawah ni. See the relationship of eating more healthy food to fertility.

Orite, thats all.

Ate' logo


  1. Happy birthday atie. happy always!

  2. Happy belated birthday Atie! Alahai...sambut birthday jauh kali ni....takpe Atie, balik nnt sambut meriah skit dgn hubby dan family ye?

  3. happy birthday atie.. oo..u ni muda lg dari i.. i slalu ingt org lagi kakak dari i...hihi..perasan muda... =P

  4. Atie, happy belated birthday :-) Muda lagi 26 tahun tu... i ni biological clock dah ticking! huhuhuhu.... Anyway, smg Allah permudahkan urusan dunia & akhirat... dirahmati Nya selalu....aimin....

  5. Hi :) just wanna share...saya ada terbaca somewhere kalau temperature spike naik, it means u r then ovulating, and by that time, it's too late to baby-dance sebab it takes up to 12 hours for the sperm to reach fallopian tube, and egg once released can only be fertilised within 10 hours. sebab tu BBT charting ni not recommended for TTCian. tapi I might be wrong too :) coz I pn tgh TTC but tak pernah buat BBT before. Mudahan di murahkan rezeki ye....amin
