Friday, 27 December 2013

If AF still not coming after 7 days stop Diane, should I continue taking them on the 8th days??

Selalunya bila susah hati, kepada Allah kita mengadu.
Bila senang hati seharusnya kepada Allah kita berterima kasih.
Sebenarnya I agak susah hati memikirkan AF yang tak ada bayang nak kunjung tiba.

I start consume Diane rigidly from CD-CD21 (2/12/13-22/12/13). Kena stop makan for 7 days starting CD22. Dengan harapan within 7 days ni AF akan datang dan I dah boleh consume Clomid. But, now dah hari ke-5 tak makan Diane AND AF masih tiada tanda nak melawat. Tiada sakit pinggang, tiada bloated, tiada cramp, tiada tanda2 seangkatan dengannya kecuali seketul lagi jerawat yang tumbuh kat dagu. Aritu tumbuh kat tepi hidung.  

Actually, around 8.30 p.m. on 25th Dec (CD24), after peeing, I bersihkan Miss V dengan air then I lap2 dia then I notice ada setompok fresh blood kat kertas tisu tu. Happy dah tengok darah merah keluar ingat dah period la. Untuk double confirm, I lap sekali lagi kat celah2 Miss V and this time lebih banyak (2 tompok) darah merah ada pada kertas tisu. Kelam kabut keluar toilet inform DH yang tunggu kat luar. Masa tu kami ada kat JUSCO. DH ajak pergi Carings beli pad. I pun beria la pakai then masuk panggung tengok filem The Hobbit. Balik rumah cek tak ada setitik darah pun kat pad. Then I make myself calm to wait till the next morning. Tengok2 tak ada juga sampailah sekarang dah CD26. Confuse I pasal apa jadi macam ni. Kalau ikut kiraan 15 hari suci selepas period yang lepas, memang I period la masa CD24 tu but tak kan la setompok dua je. Macam mana nak makan Clomid bila period cam tu. 

Tinggal 2 hari je lagi cukup 7 hari stop Diane. Kalau ikut cakap Dr, I will get my AF during these 7 days or slightly later dan I kena makan Clomid on CD2-CD6. Since dah jadi macam ni I tak tahu after 7 days kalau masih tak period kena makan Diane balik atau stop terus je?? I tak tanya pun kat Dr aritu because this situation was unexpected. I ingat within 7 days, I will have period. Last time, bila I tak makan dengan disiplin AF datang jugak menjengah setiap bulan. Kali ni bila I disiplin, tak mau mai pulak....or maybe, I need to wait for a little longer :)

So what I will do is keep waiting for the AF to come until the 7th day. If the AF still not coming, I will start consuming Diane again on the 8th day while hoping for the AF to come. Then, kalau tak kunjung tiba juga, I might need to rely on the next cycle. 

Dear friends, I need ur advice especially those who has same case like me. To those who curious why Dr gave me Diane, actually the reason is not to allow me to get pregnant naturally and to improve my menstrual cycle so that I can get regular period cycle every month. Sebelum ni period cycle tunggang langgang. Why not other medicine? I am not sure, in fact I do not know there are many other options. BUT, to tell the truth, from May until November, I didn't consume Diane following the right method (consume 21 days & stop 7 days, then continue again), but still got AF every month. Maybe because of my high expectation on Diane, I am a bit stressful thinking of AF still not coming yet especially when I consume it following the right method for this month.

Hopefully AF will come soon....I just need to keep praying. Maybe fresh blood on CD24 was a sign to get the real AF soon. Just like last month...3 days got blood cloths then clean for 3 days and the real AF was coming after that for 8 days.

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  1. Atie, my last period cam tu.. wipe ada darah...pastu ngan sakit pinggang semua. but the next day, clean. nothing. and after a week, baru la period betui datang. may b u should wait...

  2. My dear ST...harini the real period dah dtg. Hihihi
    Esok I start kena makan Clomid dah. Alhamdulillah x lama kena tunggu. 2 cycle dah pesen macam ni. Kuar darah dulu then beberapa ari bersih pastu baru kuar balik yg betul2 punya. Sama la kita ST. Pasai apa ek?

  3. Dear atie i rase u dah salah faham about Diane ni, ikut pemahaman i yg dulu setahun on Diane, actually 7-days-rest after last pil (after pil yg ke 21) period u bukan dtg lepas last pil tu. period u patut datang AFTER 7 days rehat tu. tujuan 7-days-rest tu ialah utk bagi ur lining shred ke ape something like that utk u period on CD28 (utk complete 28days cycle) however usually ade org dtg period sehari awal atau sehari lepas hari ke 28.-but that still normal. So reading ur comments above, u dah period kan? so betul la period mmg dtg AFTER 7 days of ur last pil. bukan "within". so if ur last pil was 22dec, and u got ur period on 28th dec, that's normal and shows that diane works to withdraw ur period exactly on time :D
    just imagine if u period within 7days lepas last pil, and kira balik ur cycle days, kan tak cukup 28hari tu. tujuan doc bagi diane ialah utk u dpt cycle cantik before start clomid dear :) lepasni jgn salah panik lagi tau :D heheh. now cuba kira tarikh from ur 1st pil 2dec, under the day ur period arrives. cukup around 28hari tak? 27days kot i kira. but that still normal :)
    When u say that u ingat u dah period on CD24 tu, actually kalau lah betul u betul2 period on cd24, u shud go back to the doc and check why ur period come so early. bila cycle u tak cukup 28days, maknenye ur having short luteal phase - which bermaksud ur lining tak menebal ikut waktu yang sepatutnya (normal luteal phase is 8-10days) normal luteal phase penting utk memastikan rahim kuat utk implant telur yg disenyawakan. ever heard of org yg having short cycle, lekat skejap pastu jatuh? short luteal phase is one of the reason. -so this kind of person pun perlu medication utk panjangkan balik cycle ikut text book.
    sorry beriye explain pjg2 kat u, sbb i penah on diane sgt lame so i think u shud share this with u, kang lepas ni if u kena ambik diane lagi, u risau2 lagi kalau period lambat..sbenanye pil tu works fine for u :D

    1. Hai Jay...walau pun komen u panjang, sekali baca je dah faham. Memang great teacher la u ni. I period hari ke 6 stop diane iaitu pada CD27. Awal sket. Maknanya cycle i cuma 26hari. As what u mentioned above i ada short luteal phase. Dan kesannya x bagus. I risau!!
